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  • SS with 2 Loops

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      Otel cu 2 bucle forma Keyhole de la G&H Orthodontics (SUA)


      Arcurile cu bucle pentru retractie sunt fabricate individual, in conformitate cu standarde exacte. Ele sunt disponibile in variantele : cu bucla Keyhole si cu bucla in T.

      Au dimensiuni intre 22 si 44mm, variind din 2 in 2 mm. 
      Arcurile superioare au dimensiuni intre 34 si 44 mm si cele inferioare intre 22 si 32mm.

      Acestea transforma un arc de otel normal intr-un arc multifunctional care poate fi folosit pentru atingerea diferitelor obiective, chiar simultan.

      Poate fi folosit pentru:
      - retractie segmentata fara forte mari de frecare
      - deschidere sau inchidere de spatii
      - intruzie sau extruzie a dintilor anteriori
      - deschiderea sau inchiderea muscaturii
      - nivelarea curbei Spee
      - pentru aplicarea elasticelor intraorale
      - aplicarea torque-ului in segmentul anterior sau posterior
      - pentru conectarea J-Hooks-urilor pentru tractiuni extraorale

      Forma de prezentare: 1 arc la alegere.

      G&H SS 2 T-Loop Wires True Form looped retraction arches are individually formed to exacting standards. T-Loops allow clinicians a choice of designs. 
      These loops make a stainless archwire a multipurpose treatment adjunct that can achieve various intraoral objectives, often simultaneously. 
      Such objectives can include:
      Friction-free segmented retraction
      Opening or closing spaces
      Intruding or extruding anterior teeth
      Opening or closing the bite
      Leveling the Curve of Spee
      Torquing the anterior or posterior teeth
      Attaching J-hooks for headgear in retracting anterior teeth
      For the application of intraoral elastics
      They have dimensions between 22 and 44 mm, varying from 2 to 2 mm
      The upper wires have dimensions between 34 and 44 mm and the lower ones between 22 and 32 mm.
      Form of presentation: 1 wire of your choice.


      Wire Size .016x.022 или .017x.025 или .019x.025
      Size 22 mm или 24 mm или 26 mm или 28 mm или 30 mm или 32 mm или 34 mm или 36 mm или 38 mm или 40 mm или 42 mm или 44 mm
      Wire Archform Trueform™ I (Square)

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