Bond-A-Braid lingual retainer
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60,80 € 60.800000000000004 EUR 60,80 €

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    Garantía de devolución de 30 días
    Envío: 2-3 días laborables

    Retainer lingual Bond-A-Braid de la Reliance Orthodontics (SUA)


    Dimensiuni 0.27x 0.11 inch
    Sarma impletita cu 8 fire 
    Moale - se adapteaza cu usurinta
    Fiecare tub contine 10 fire de aprox. 6 inch (16cm.)
    Cand este aplicat pe incisivii superiori, pe partea linguala, un filament metalic dreptunghiular si foarte subtire poate fi adaptat fară sa interfere cu incisivii inferiori.
    Retainerul este foarte moale si usor de adaptat, prevenind mișcarea dinților. Bond-A-Braid este excelent pentru imobilizari ortodontice semipermanente ale incisivilor superiori si inferiori.
    Poate fi folosit pentru a mentine diasteme inchise, pentru a mentine locurile de extractie dificile si alte probleme. Excelent pentru imobilizarea dintilor cu probleme parodontale. 
    Tubul este de ajuns pentru aprox. 60 de cazuri daca este colat canin-canin sau 150 de cazuri lateral-lateral.

    Forma de prezentare: 1x tub cu 10 fire

    Dimensions 0.27x 0.11 inches
    Braided wire with 8 strands
    Soft - adapts easily
    Each tube contains 10 wires of approx. 6 inches (16cm.)
    When applied to the upper incisors, on the lingual side, a rectangular and very thin metallic filament can be adapted without interfering with the lower incisors.
    The retainer is very soft and easy to adapt, preventing the movement of the teeth. Bond-A-Braid is excellent for semi-permanent orthodontic immobilization of upper and lower incisors.
    It can be used to keep diastema closed, to keep difficult extraction sites and other problems. Excellent for immobilizing teeth with periodontal problems. 
    The tube is enough for approx. 60 cases if it is fused canine-canine or 150 cases side-to-side.



    Retainer Alloy Stainless Steel
    By Usage For Retention

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