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  • G4 NiTi Reverse Curve III SoloPack

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      Vásárlási feltételek30 napos pénzvisszafizetési garancia Szállítás: 2-3 munkanapon belül

      G4 Niti Reverse Curve III Solo Pack de la G&H Orthodontics (USA)


      Arcurile Reverse Curve sunt fabricate în varianta G4 NiTi.

      Arcurile ofera forte excelente pentru a realiza rapid si eficient modificarii ale ocluziei, imbunătațind integritatea formei arcadei.

      Forma de prezentare: 1 folie Solo-Pack cu 1 arc.

      The Reverse Curve wires are manufactured in the G4 NiTi variant.
      Wires provide excellent strength to quickly and efficiently achieve occlusal changes, improving the integrity of arch form.
      Presentation form: 1 Solo-Pack foil with 1 wire. 


      Brackets and Tubes
      Arch Lower vagy Upper
      Wire Size .014 vagy .016 vagy .016x.022 vagy .017x.025 vagy .018 vagy .018x.025 vagy .019x.025 vagy .020 vagy .020x.020
      Wire Pack Size Solo-Pack
      Wire Archform Reverse Curve III

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