G4 Niti Pre-Torqued de la G&H Orthodontics (SUA)
Arcurile NiTi G4 Pre-Torqued ofera o exprimare rapida si continua a torque-ului catre dintii anteriori.
Pot fi utilizate superior si inferior si au 20° de torque in zona anterioara. Torque-ul poate fi ligual dar si vestibular prin intoarcerea arcului.
Exista 3 dimensiuni ale segmentului anterior, permitand utilizarea la maxilar si la mandibula.
Fortele dovedite clinic de revenire ale G4 vizibile si la indoituri de ordinul 3 (Torque).
Torque exprimat la nivelul radacinii, paralele constant,
Incepeti aplicarea torque-ului cat mai devreme in tratament.
Forma de prezentare: Pack cu 5 arcuri
NiTi G4 Pre-Torqued wires offer a quick and continuous expression of torque to the anterior teeth.
They can be used upper and lower and have 20° of torque in the front area. The torque can be ligual but also vestibular by turning the wire.
There are 3 sizes of the anterior segment, allowing use in the maxilla and mandible.
The clinically proven return forces of G4 visible even in 3rd order bends (Torque),
Torque expressed at the root level, constant parallel,
Start applying the torque as early as possible in the treatment.
Wire Size | .017x.025 oppure .019x.025 oppure .021x.025 |
Size | 28 mm oppure 34 mm oppure 38 mm |
Wire Archform | Trueform™ I (Square) |
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