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  • SS Multi-Strand Square 1pk

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      Termini e condizioni
      Garanzia di rimborso di 30 giorni
      Spedizione: 2-3 giorni lavorativi

      Otel Multi-Strand Trueform de la G&H Orthodontics (SUA)


      Datorita finetii sarmei, arcurile rotunde sunt utilizate in mod normal devreme in tratament pentru a alinia dintii. 

      Firele multi-strand aplica o forta scazuta pentru deformare minora sau moderata in functie de severitatea malocluziei.
      Arcurile rectangulare sunt utilizate in mod obisnuit tranzitoriu pentru a alinia ocluziile in mod eficient, cu o forta comparativ mai mica decat arcurile solide din otel inoxidabil.

      Forma de prezentare: 1 folie Solo-Pack cu 1 arc

      Thanks to the fineness of the wire, round arches are normally used early in treatment to align the teeth. Multi-strand wires apply a low force for minor or moderate deformation depending on the severity of the malocclusion.
      Rectangular bows are commonly used transiently to align occlusions effectively, with comparatively less force than solid stainless steel bows.
      Presentation form: 1 Solo-Pack foil with 1 wire



      Brackets and Tubes
      Arch Lower oppure Upper
      Wire Size .016x.016 oppure .016x.022 oppure .017x.025 oppure .018x.025 oppure .019x.025 oppure .021x.025
      No. of Wires 3 Strand Twisted oppure 8 Strand Woven
      Wire Pack Size Solo-Pack
      Wire Archform Trueform™ I (Square)

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