DynaFlex is a company with over 50 years in the industry that always wants to offer as much as possible to its partners. Constant is dedicated to introducing new, innovative products, investing in technology and improving existing products.
Functioneaza perfect cu sistemul de bracketi autoligaturanti pasivi Norris de la DynaFlex Orthodontics.
Fabricate din colbalt-crom (fara Nichel), tuburile colabile au o rezistenta superioara, o mecanica de alunecare incredibila si o clema solida, care asigura controlul asupra miscarii posterioare.
Informatie superiori:
-15 Torque, 6 Angulatie
Informatie inferiori:
-20 Torque, 2 Angulatie
It works perfectly with the Norris passive self-ligating bracket system from DynaFlex Orthodontics.
Made of colbalt-chromium (Nickel-free), the collapsible tubes have a superior resistance, incredible sliding mechanics and a solid clamp, which ensures control over the rear movement.
Maxillary information:
-15 Torque, 6 Angulation
Mandible information:
-20 Torque, 2 Angulation
Molar | UR or UL or LL or LR |
Bracket Prescription | Norris 20/26 |
Bracket Slot | Slot .020 |
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