S3 SS Square Round 25pk

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    S3 Otel Trueform forma Ovoid de la G&H Orthodontics (SUA)


    Arcurile S3 G&H sunt fabricate din otel inoxidabil de calitate medicala si sunt testate continuu pentru a asigura calitatea, precizia si performanta.

    Am redus etapele de fabricatie pentru a va asigura ca obtineti arcuri de cea mai mare integritate si rezistenta posibila.
    Procesul de fabricatie optimizat va permite sa adaugati multiple indoituri fara a rupe arcul.
    Procesul de lustruire brevetat creeaza arcuri mai netede, cu o mecanica de alunecare imbunatatita.

    Forma de prezentare: pachet de 25 de arcuri.

    The S3 G&H wires are made of medical grade stainless steel and are continuously tested to ensure quality, precision and performance.
    We have reduced the manufacturing steps to ensure that you get wires of the highest possible integrity and resistance.
    The optimized manufacturing process allows you to add multiple bends without breaking the wire.
    Patented polishing process creates smoother wires with improved gliding mechanics.
    Presentation form: pack of 25 wires.


    Brackets and Tubes
    Arch Lower ή Upper
    Wire Size .012 ή .014 ή .016 ή .018 ή .020
    Wire Pack Size 25 Pack bulk
    Wire Archform Trueform™ I (Square)

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