Agility Ceramic MBT .022 Refill 1pk
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    Vásárlási feltételek30 napos pénzvisszafizetési garancia Szállítás: 2-3 munkanapon belül

    Dezvoltati si fabricati precis in SUA
    Aproape invizibil realizat din ceramica policristalina
    Aspect superior estetic cu translucenta mare 
    Realizat prin tehnica CIM (injectie ceramica in tipar)
    Baza revolutionara "portal" care permite adezivului sa patrunda prin tunelurile din baza pentru o retentie mecanica superioara si decolaje optime.

    Developed and manufactured precisely in the USA
    A Nearly Invisible Polycrystalline Ceramic Bracket
    Superior aesthetic appearance with high translucency
    Made by CIM technique (ceramic injection in mold)
    Revolutionary "Portal" Bonding Base Adhesive flows through portals in the base for unprecedented mechanical bonds and optimal debonds.


    Tooth UR1 vagy UR2 vagy UR3 Hook vagy UR4/5 Hook vagy UL1 vagy UL2 vagy UL3 Hook vagy UL4/5 Hook vagy LA12 vagy LL3 Hook vagy LL4 Hook vagy LL5 Hook vagy LR3 Hook vagy LR4 Hook vagy LR5 Hook
    Bracket Prescription MBT
    Bracket Slot Slot .022

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