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  • Extraoral Elastics 1pk

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      Vásárlási feltételek30 napos pénzvisszafizetési garancia Szállítás: 2-3 munkanapon belül

      Punga elastice extraorale de la DynaFlex Orthodontics (SUA)


      Intotdeauna constanta ca marime și forță, forța activata este atinsa atunci cand elasticul este intins de 3x fata de dimensiunea initiala. 

      Elasticele extraorale au o putere de 16 uncii.

      Forma de prezentare: Punga cu 50 buc. 

      Always constant in size and force, the activated force is reached when the elastic is stretched 3x its original size. Extraoral elastics have a strength of 16 ounces.


      Elastic Size 5/16" vagy 3/8" vagy 1/2"
      Elastic Force Heavy extraoral 16oz.

      To install this Web App in your iPhone/iPad press and then Add to Home Screen.