Staineless Steel Natural Round 100pk
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    Vásárlási feltételek30 napos pénzvisszafizetési garancia Szállítás: 2-3 munkanapon belül

    Otel Natural rotund de la Highland Metals


    Fabricate in SUA
    Fabricate din otel inoxidabil 304V de cea mai inalta calitate.

    Rezistenta si rigiditate superioare cu flexibilitate avansata.
    Poate fi indoit fara a se rupe.

    Forma de prezentare: Pachet de 100 de bucati.

    Afla mai multe 

    Pack of 100 pcs.
    Manufactured in the U.S.A. 
    Made from the highest quality 304V stainless Superior strength and stiffness with advanced flexibility
    Will accept bends without breaking.


    Brackets and Tubes
    Arch Lower vagy Upper
    Wire Size .012 vagy .014 vagy .016 vagy .018 vagy .020
    Wire Pack Size 100 buc. bulk
    Wire Archform Natural

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