Bracketul Agility® Twin stabileste un nou standard pentru calitate și fiabilitate, oferind avantajele unui bracket mini cu beneficiile unor bracketi mai mari.
Designul inovator al bracketilor Agility® Twin ofera o constructie dintr-o singura "bucata" cu o baza de tip piloni, cu torque incorporat.
Experimentați rezultate fara compromisuri, in timp ce pacienții dvs. apreciaza confortul sistemului Agility® Twin.
The Agility® Twin bracket sets a new standard for quality and reliability, offering the advantages of a mini bracket with the benefits of larger brackets.
The innovative design of the Agility® Twin brackets offers a one-piece construction with a pillar-type base, with built-in torque.
Experience uncompromising results while your patients appreciate the comfort of the Agility® Twin system.
Tooth | UR1 oppure UR2 oppure UR3 Hook oppure UR4/5 Hook oppure UL1 oppure UL2 oppure UL3 Hook oppure UL4/5 Hook oppure LA12 oppure LL3 Hook oppure LL4 Hook oppure LL5 Hook oppure LR3 Hook oppure LR4 Hook oppure LR5 Hook |
Bracket Prescription | Roth |
Bracket Slot | Slot .022 |
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