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  • OrthAnchor Mini Screw - Button Head Through Hole 4mm Neck

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      Mini implant OrthAnchor - buton cu orificiu gat neted 4mm de la OSSTEM Orthodontics


      Foarte rezistent la fracturare (realizate din aliaj de Ti).
      Suprafetele sablate reduc esecurile cu 20%.
      Forta de ancorare optima cu insertie simpla si lina.
      Orificiile pot fi utilizate pentru ligaturi pana la .022.

      Capul are un design care permite ligaturarea usoara cu ligatura metalica, catena sau resorturi speciale.
      Sterilizate, gata de insertie direct din cutie.

      Forma de prezentare: 1 buc.


      Very resistant to fracturing (made of Ti alloy).
      Sandblasted surfaces reduce failures by 20%.
      Optimum anchoring force with simple and smooth insertion.
      Holes can be used for ligatures up to .022.
      The head has a design that allows easy ligature with metal ligature, chain or special springs.
      Sterilized, ready to insert directly from the box.


      OrthAnchor Diameter 1.6mm or 1.8mm
      OrthAnchor Thread Length 6mm or 8mm

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