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  • E-Driver Engine

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    1,806.52 € 1806.52 EUR 1,806.52 €

    8,991.60 lei

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      Micromotor E-Driver de la OSSTEM Orthodontics (Coreea de Sud)


      Optiunea de setare a fortei pentru utilizarea impreuna cu mini-implanturile.

      Mai multe niveluri de viteză.

      Torque puternic si precis

      Ajustabil intre 5Ncm~35Ncm (in pasi de 5Ncm)

      Aplica forta precis cu functie de auto-stop

      Verifica schimbarea fortei in timp real pe ecranul LCD

      Calibrare precisa de TCS(Torque calibration System)

      Viteza adjustabila

      Ajustabil intre 15RPM-60RPM (in pasi 15RPM)


      Procedura este de doua ori mai rapida decat operatiunea manuala

      Schimbare mod reverse cu o singura atingere
      Tehnologie germana

      Torque precis si viteza constanta cu ajutorul unui motor de calitate Faulhaber

      E-Driver electric micromotor.
      Force setting option for use with mini-implants.

      Multiple speed levels.

      Strong and precise torque

      Adjustable between 5Ncm~35Ncm (in steps of 5Ncm)

      Apply force precisely with auto-stop function

      Check the force change in real time on the LCD screen

      Precise calibration by TCS (Torque calibration System)

      Adjustable speed

      Adjustable between 15RPM-60RPM (in 15RPM steps)

      The procedure is twice as fast as the manual operation

      Change reverse mode with one touch

      German technology

      Precise torque and constant speed with the help of a Faulhaber quality motor

      All components of the implant with one piece
      • Minimizes fractures/weakening with precise Torque
      • Quick access to the rear area through the contra-angled design
      • Shorten the time in the chair thanks to the quick closing

      De la insertie pana la departare
      • The force of 15~35Nm allows insertion and removal even on a bone with high hardness
      • Torque setting lowers the risk of fracturing mini implants
      All the components with one pierce
        • Minimizes fractures/weakening with precise Torque
        • Quick access to the rear area through the contra-angled design
        • Shorten the time in the chair thanks to the quick closing

      From insertion to removal
        • The force of 15~35Nm allows insertion and removal even on a bone with high hardness
        • Torque setting lowers the risk of fracturing mini implants

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