Aparat termoformare Biostar 4-Aligner de la SCHEU (Germania)
BIOSTAR® 4-Aligner este un dispozitiv de termoformare multipla de ultima generatie. Cu tehnologia sa inovatoare, pana la 4 alignere pot fi termoformate simultan, ceea ce permite o capacitate impresionanta de productie de pana la 120 de alignere pe ora.
Fiecare aligner este format in propria sa camera de presiune la 4 bar. BIOSTAR® 4-Aligner ofera flexibilitatea de a alege dintre diverse formate de folii SCHEU-DENTAL. Acestea includ folii rotunde cu un diametru de 120-125 mm si benzi dreptunghiulare (499 x 114 mm) disponibile exclusiv de la SCHEU-DENTAL, care permit aplicare cvadrupla. Datorita radiatorului infrarosu controlat termic unic, dispozitivul atinge temperatura optima de lucru in cateva secunde.
Toti parametrii relevanti, cum ar fi timpii de incalzire si racire, pot fi accesati folosind un scanner sau prin introducerea unui cod. Ecranul color ghideaza utilizatorul clar prin pasii individuali ai procesului de termoformare. Interfata BIOSTAR® 4-Aligner permite actualizari software usoare pentru a asigura ca dispozitivul ramane la varful tehnologiei.
Productivitate ridicata
Rezultate precise
Procese flexibile
Date tehnice:
Putere: 1450 W
Presiune de lucru: 4 bar
Dimensiuni (W x H x D): 612 x 337 x 524 mm
Greutate: 50 kg
BIOSTAR® 4-Aligner is a state-of-the-art multiple thermoforming device. With its innovative technology, up to 4 aligners can be thermoformed simultaneously, which allows an impressive production capacity of up to 120 aligners per hour.
Each aligner is formed in its own pressure chamber at 4 bar. BIOSTAR® 4-Aligner offers the flexibility to choose from various formats of SCHEU-DENTAL foils. These include round foils with a diameter of 120-125 mm and rectangular strips (499 x 114 mm) available exclusively from SCHEU-DENTAL, which allow quadruple application. Thanks to the unique thermally controlled infrared radiator, the device reaches the optimal working temperature in a few seconds.
All relevant parameters, such as heating and cooling times, can be accessed using a scanner or by entering a code. The color screen clearly guides the user through the individual steps of the thermoforming process. The BIOSTAR® 4-Aligner interface allows for easy software updates to ensure the device remains on the cutting edge of technology.
High productivity
Accurate results
Flexible processes
Technical data:
Power: 1450 W
Working pressure: 4 bar
Dimensions (W x H x D): 612 x 337 x 524 mm
Weight: 50 kg
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The BIOSTAR® 4-Aligner is a multiple thermoforming device. With its innovative technology, up to 4 aligners can be thermoformed at the same time, which enables an impressive production capacity of up to 120 aligners per hour. Each aligner is formed in its own pressure chamber at 4 bar. The BIOSTAR® 4-Aligner offers the flexibility to choose from various SCHEU-DENTAL foil formats. These include round foils with a diameter of 120-125 mm and rectangular stripes (499 x 114 mm) available exclusively from SCHEU-DENTAL, which enable quadruple application. Thanks to the unique thermally controlled infrared radiator, the device reaches the optimal working temperature within a few seconds. All relevant parameters such as heating and cooling times can be called up using a scanner or by entering a code. The color display guides the user clearly through the individual steps of the thermoforming process. The BIOSTAR® 4 Aligner interface allows for easy software updates to ensure the device remains at the cutting edge of technology.
High productivity
Precise results
Flexible processes
Technical data:
Voltage / Power: 1450 Watt
Working pressure: 4 bar
Dimensions (W x H x D): 612 x 337 x 524 mm
Weight: 50kg
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