XR1 Ball Posted forma Ovoid de la G&H Orthodontics (SUA)
Arcurile XR1 de la G&H Orthodontics USA sunt confortabile. Carligul modelabil de alama cu bila in varf asigura un confort crescut. O tehnica de lipire proprietara G&H asigura suduri curate, puternice si consistente.
Au dimensiuni intre 24 si 44mm, variind din 2 in 2 mm.
Arcurile superioare au dimensiuni intre 34 si 44 mm si cele inferioare intre 24 si 32mm.
Arcurile din otel inoxidabil XR1 .017x.025 sau .019x.025 sunt tratate termic si usureaza stresul - crescand rezistenta arcului pentru a imbunatati mecanica si a diminua efectele adverse.
- Confortul pacientului,
- Retentie maxima,
- Adaptabilitate,
- Tehnica de lipire proprie,
- Suduri puternice, sigure si netede,
- Arcul de baza din otel inoxidabil XR1 tratat termic,
- Rezistenta sporita la deformare,
- Minimizeaza distorsiunea.
Forma de prezentare: 1 arc
The exclusive XR1 wires offer comfort and a malleable brass hook with a ball at the tip for increased comfort. A proprietary G&H soldering technique ensures clean, strong and consistent welds.
XR1 .017x.025 or .019x.025 stainless steel wires are heat treated and stress relieving - increasing wire strength to improve mechanics and reduce adverse effects.
Patient comfort,
Maximum retention,
Proprietary bonding technique,
XR1 heat-treated stainless steel base wire,
Increased resistance to deformation,
Strong, safe and smooth welds,
Minimizes distortion.
They have dimensions between 24 and 44 mm, varying from 2 to 2 mm.
The upper wire have dimensions between 34 and 44 mm and the lower ones between 24 and 32 mm.
Selling unit: 1 archwire
Wire Size | .017x.025 или .019x.025 |
Size | 24 mm или 26 mm или 28 mm или 30 mm или 32 mm или 34 mm или 36 mm или 38 mm или 40 mm или 42 mm или 44 mm |
Wire Archform | Europa™ form I (Ovoid) |
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