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  • XR1 Ball Posted Wire

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      Termini e condizioni
      Garanzia di rimborso di 30 giorni
      Spedizione: 2-3 giorni lavorativi

      XR1 Ball Posted forma Ovoid de la G&H Orthodontics (SUA)


      Arcurile XR1 de la G&H Orthodontics USA sunt confortabile. Carligul modelabil de alama cu bila in varf asigura un confort crescut. O tehnica de lipire proprietara G&H asigura suduri curate, puternice si consistente.

      Au dimensiuni intre 24 si 44mm, variind din 2 in 2 mm. 
      Arcurile superioare au dimensiuni intre 34 si 44 mm si cele inferioare intre 24 si 32mm.

      Arcurile din otel inoxidabil XR1 .017x.025 sau .019x.025 sunt tratate termic si usureaza stresul - crescand rezistenta arcului pentru a imbunatati mecanica si a diminua efectele adverse.


      • Confortul pacientului,
      • Retentie maxima,
      • Adaptabilitate,
      • Tehnica de lipire proprie,
      • Suduri puternice, sigure si netede,
      • Arcul de baza din otel inoxidabil XR1 tratat termic,
      • Rezistenta sporita la deformare,
      • Minimizeaza distorsiunea.

      Forma de prezentare: 1 arc

      The exclusive XR1 wires offer comfort and a malleable brass hook with a ball at the tip for increased comfort. A proprietary G&H soldering technique ensures clean, strong and consistent welds.
      XR1 .017x.025 or .019x.025 stainless steel wires are heat treated and stress relieving - increasing wire strength to improve mechanics and reduce adverse effects.
      Patient comfort,
      Maximum retention,
      Proprietary bonding technique,
      XR1 heat-treated stainless steel base wire,
      Increased resistance to deformation,
      Strong, safe and smooth welds,
      Minimizes distortion.
      They have dimensions between 24 and 44 mm, varying from 2 to 2 mm. 
      The upper wire have dimensions between 34 and 44 mm and the lower ones between 24 and 32 mm.
      Selling unit: 1 archwire


      Wire Size .017x.025 oppure .019x.025
      Size 24 mm oppure 26 mm oppure 28 mm oppure 30 mm oppure 32 mm oppure 34 mm oppure 36 mm oppure 38 mm oppure 40 mm oppure 42 mm oppure 44 mm
      Wire Archform Europa™ form I (Ovoid)

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